
Basketball with Cornell.

The University basketball team will play Cornell tonight in the first intercollegiate game in the Gymnasium, at 8 o'clock. As Cornell has an unusually strong team this year the game will probably be very close. Both teams are about equal in weight and individual ability and the result therefore will depend almost entirely on team work and trick plays. Harvard's chances of winning the intercollegiate championship can be largely determined by the outcome of tonight's game.

Tickets at 35 cents each are for sale at Leavitt & Peirce's.

The line-up of the teams is as follows: HARVARD.  CORNELL. Gilles, r.f.  l.g., Smith. Smith (Fenwick), l.f.  r.g., Steel. Linehan, c.  c., Burns. Hanavan, r.g.  l.f., Hermes. Fosdick, l.g.  r.f., Townsend.
