
New York Harvard Club Extension.

The Harvard Club of New York is now raising funds for a large extension of its present quarters which, when finished, will make the Club more nearly complete and better adapted to the needs of its members. The present building on 44th street has for some time been too small for the constantly increasing membership.

In October, 1900, a committee was appointed, which has reported in favor of the enlargement and the purchase of the adjoining lot on 45th street, an opportunity for the purchase of which is open. In view of the large debt which the addition would place upon the Club--the purchase price of the land amounting to $121,000 and the cost of the proposed extension reaching $75,000--it was decided to raise $50,000 through personal contributions, and to carry the remainder of the amount temporarily in mortgages at four per cent. The committee entrusted with procuring the funds now announce that over $40,000 of the necessary amount has been subscribed and the rest of the money will doubtless be obtained before April 1, when the conveyance of the property becomes possible. The new building, for which definite plans will soon be prepared, will have increased dining room facilities, a larger and better ventilated meeting room, and more extensive and comfortable general rooms.
