
Hockey Practice Yesterday.

Yesterday afternoon the University hockey team held its last hard practice before meeting Columbia at New York tomorrow night. Only four regular members of the team were in the line-up and the work as a whole was ragged. A game was played with the Sophomores, in the first half of which the defense players of the two teams were interchanged, thus giving the University backs better practice than they would otherwise have had. In the second half, with the teams playing in their correct positions, the University made five goals and the Sophomores two. The poor quality of ice made good playing difficult.

The practice this afternoon will consist merely in perfecting formations. The team will leave for New York tomorrow afternoon on the one o'clock train. The following men will be taken: Manning, Carr, Penhallow, Pruyn, Winsor, Rumsey, Lovering, Fosdick, Movius. All other members of the squad will report to their class teams.
