To the Editors of the Crimson:
Last year there was, if I remember rightly, a rink on Soldiers Field on which those students might skate who were not out playing on the hockey teams. Why is there no such rink this year? I should be inclined to say that while the number of men who play hockey is comparatively small, the number of men who would like to skate, and who find themselves on the one hand too busy to go to the far-away ponds, and on the other, excluded from the College rinks, is very large. If the expense is larger than the subscription of one dollar apiece assessed last year, why could not the amount be made two dollars apiece; or why should not the Athletic Association pay part? For a large number of men skating is the only form of outdoor sport (skating other than hockey, that is) open since the number of men indulging in training for the track team is comparatively small. Why may these men not have a rink, or, at least, be allowed to use the class rinks during some part of the day? If the athletic facilities of the University are for the many and not for the few, this should be brought about. GRADUATE.
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Freshmen Lose to Andover.