
New Astronomical Laboratory.

The building on the northwest corner of Holmes Field, until recently occupied by the Architectural department, will be used in the future by the Astronomical department. The laboratory work of Astronomy 1 has already been transferred there, and Astronomy 3 will be transferred in the spring. Astronomy 2 will also be given there during the second half-year. Up to the present time the Astronomical department has given these courses in very inadequate quarters in Lawrence Hall, and the present change was much needed.

The building which the department will now occupy affords plenty of space and is well suited for its purpose. On the first floor there are three rooms. One of these is large, and will be fitted up as a laboratory. It is especially well adapted for an astronomical laboratory on account of its south exposure which is most favorable for making observations of the sun. The other two rooms are smaller, and will be used as an apparatus room and a store room. On the second floor there is another large room, which will be used as a lecture room, and two smaller rooms which will be used as a library and an office. During the spring and summer a number of changes will be made.
