
Hockey Practice Game.

The University hockey team defeated a team picked from the Law School and the University squad yesterday by a score of 13 to 1. The University team played exceptionally well and kept the puck in the opponents' territory most of the time. The picked team showed an almost entire lack of unity. Their one goal was made at the beginning of the second half on a determined rush by the forwards who broke down the strong defense of the University team and made an opening for Wait who shot the goal. The University team played well together throughout the game and presented a very formidable attack. The work of Smith, Wait and Barrows for the Law School, and of Goodridge, Winsor, Pruyn and Macleod for the University team, was especially effective.

The line-up:

University--Pruyn, Goodridge, Winsor, Macleod, Rumsey, forwards; Penhallow, coverpoint; Carr, Movius, point; Manning, goal. Scrub--Smith, Jackson, Wait, Lovering, forwards; Beyer, Noyes, coverpoint; Barrows, point; Kendall, goal. Goals were made as follows: University--Goodridge 7, Winsor 2, Pruyn 2, Macleod 2; scrub--Wait 1.
