
Football Prospects at Yale.

The football problem at Yale seems to be the development of perfect team play, such as the Yale team had last fall, with material that is promising, though not exceptionally good. Seven of last year's team will not play, and as yet no candidates have shown themselves capable of fully taking their places. There is abundance of uniformly good material, but it is not up to last year's standard.

In the line. Brown, Stillman and Bloomer will be seriously missed, but there are a number of heavy and experienced men, from whom a strong line should be developed, with effective coaching. Among them are Hogan, the Exeter tackle, Glass, a 217 pound guard from Mercersburg, Hamlin, Goss, Holt, Olcott and Francis. Hogan's record at Exeter, where he captained the team, makes him a strong candidate, and Glass, in spite of his weight, proved himself quick and clean in interfering for Shaw last Saturday.

Behind the line, the loss of Hale, Sharpe and Fincke leaves Chadwick the only member of the 1900 team. Team work will accordingly have to make up for individual brilliancy.

Unless Whitney and Vanderpoel develop into capable kickers, Yale will be weak in this department of the game. With George S. Stillman as head coach, however, the team will have the benefit of energetic and well-directed coaching.

Saturday's game was too short to give much idea of the final make-up of the team. Most of the gains made were through Trinity's line, though Shaw and Vanderpoel both made long runs. The Yale men lined up as follows:--Gould, Weeks, l.e.; Goss, Hyatt, l.t.; Olcott., l.g.; Holt, Hamlin, c.; Glass, r.g.; Hogan, r.t.; Rafferty, Ferguson, r.e.; De Saulles, Morris, Rockwell, q.b.; Hart, Fox, Chadwick, Shaw, h.b.; Wilhelmi, Vanderpoel, f.b.
