Several hundred Freshmen attended the reception given by the Harvard Christian Association in Brooks House last night. The men were received, and as far as possible introduced to one another, by members of the upper classes.
At 8.30 Rev. Sherrard Billings '80 of Groton School was introduced by W. M. Crane, president of the Christian Association. Mr. Billings spoke of the changes in Harvard since his undergraduate days and especially of its growth from a college into a university. The greater size and scope of the university imposes new responsibilities up on men entering it; they are expected not simply to learn and acquire, but to give, to the life of the University and to the individual lives of men about them, their best physical, mental and spiritual ability
W. T. Reid '01 followed Mr. Billings. He emphasized the need of physical purity and healthy habits in college men. Clean living and resolute allegiance to high principles will win ultimate recognition, the speaker said. The strict rules which govern athletic training may profitably be observed through a man's whole career in college--and afterwards.
E. C. Carter '00 described the philanthropic work conducted by the Christian Association which is open to new men--the reading-room at East Cambridge, the sailors headquarters at T Wharf, and the various settlements in Boston.
O. G. Frantz '03, the last speaker, emphasized again the duty of college men to do their best to help one another and their college. He outlined also the Bible courses which are conducted in the Association and urged upon all the men present, of whatever creed, the importance of regular Bible study in character building.
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