The second annual kicking contest for the Burr Cups will be held on Soldier's Field next Thursday at 3 o'clock. Every man in the University who has any ability in kicking is urged to come out.
Three silver cups will be offered for punting, drop kicking and place kicking. The contest will be conducted by the coaches, and accuracy, quickness, height, placing and distance will be considered. The cups will become the property of the winners. As these cups are offered to develop kickers no one will be allowed to win more than one cup in the same event in successive years, or more than one cup in one year, although he may enter in all three events. For example, a man who won in punting last year can compete this year only for place and drop kicking, and one who should win in drop kicking this year could compete next year only in punting and place kicking.
The cups are given by I. Tucker Burr, Jr. '79, Winthrop Burr '84, and Allston Burr '89. The cups will be on exhibition in a few days at the Union.
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