
Interscholastic Games.

The New England Interscholastic Athletic Association will hold its sixteenth annual meet on Soldiers Field on Wednesday, June 5 at 2 o'clock. The one mile bicycle race will be held at the Charles River Park in the morning at 10 o'clock.

Fifteen schools with 170 entries will compete, as follows: Andover, 26 entries; Exeter, 35; Worcester Academy, 20; Friends' School, Providence, 6; Somerville High School, 12; English High School, Boston, 14; Hopkinson, 10; Needham High School, 10; Concord High School, 9; English High School, Cambridge, 2; Rindge Manual Training School, 15; Mechanic Arts High School, 5; Watertown High School, 2; Melrose High School, 2; Roxbury Latin School, 4.

In the dashes the most prominent men are Schick, Andover; Smith, Exeter, and Doyle, Worcester Academy. In the hurdles Fallows, Andover; Knibbs, Exeter, and Shruber, Hopkinson, are likely to win places. In the mile and half mile Jacobos, Exeter, and Sturtevant, Andover, have won firsts in their events. In the field events Andover, Exeter and Worcester Academy have very strong men. Exeter has a very capable team this year, having defeated. Andover in their dual meet, and should win first place, with Andover second and Worcester Academy third.
