
Track Team Prospects.

Harvard has the nucleus for a strong track team next year. Several of the most valuable men will not return to College, but their loss will be largely offset by the abundance of promising material which remains, including not only many of the point winners in this yea 's meets, but a large number of candidates who need only a little experience to develop them into creditable performers.

In the track events especially the team will be strong. Of the sprinters who will return, M. T. Lightner '03 was placed in the 100 and the 220 at both the dual and the Mott Haven games. J. E. Haigh '03, who was handicapped this spring by a sprained tendon, was a point winner last season. B. C. Lancy '03 is a promising candidate. E. C. Rust '04 and T. L. Manson '04, in the 440, have won points this year.

For the 880 E. B. Boynton '02 and G. E. Behr '01, both good men, will be available. D. DuBois '03 is a leading candidate. H. S. Knowles '02 is the only remaining point winner in the mile, but S. Waller '03 will probably strengthen this event with another year of experience. For the two mile O. W. Richardson 2L and E. W. Mills '02, who won second place in the dual and the Mott Haven games respectively, will both return.

The hurdles will be a strong event. J. G. Willis '02 and J. H. Converse, 2nd, '02 together won 22 points in the two meets this spring. F. W. Bird '04, R. Abercrombie '03, and O. J. Ives 03 are the most promising candidates.

In the field events material is less plenty, with the exception of the broad jump, in which J. H. Shirk '02, A. W. Ristine '02 and J. Foster, Jr., '02 are all point winners. F. M. Murphy '03 is a candidate of ability. N. F. Glidden '03 is the only remaining point winner in the high jump. Murphy and R. P. Kernan '03 are leading candidates.


C. H. Robinson '04 won third place in the shot-put at Mott Haven. No other point winner in either of the weight events will return. W. T. Piper '03 is the most promising candidate for the hammer-throw. E. M. Sawyer '04, A. Goodhue '04; and R. G. Hall '04 who were entered for the pole-vault in the dual games, should make that event stronger than it was this year.
