RED TOP, June 13.--The Harvard eight and four-oar rowed in the morning and afternoon today. The morning work was very short, Shuebruk and Derby having examinations. In the afternoon both the eight and four-oar rowed a half-mile on time, James rowing bow on the four. The crew did not make a good showing. The time for the eight was 2 min., 35sec.; for the four, 2min., 51sec. Doctor Darling arrived this morning. The men are all well.
The Yale crew took a four-mile time row this afternoon. The unofficial time was 22m. 29s. The crew had a big shake-up this morning and this afternoon. The order in the afternoon was: Stroke, Cameron; 7, Blagden; 6, Kunzig; 5, Mitchell; 4, Hooker; 3, Johnson; 2, Bogue; bow, Waterman.
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