

Fire Engine Horses Start in Crowd, Killing H. S. Bigelow '04.

H. S. Bigelow '04 was run over by a fire engine at the corner of Quincy street and Broadway at 7.45 last night and was instantly killed.

Shortly before that time a fire broke out in a pile of timber in front of the new Architectural Building and four engines responded to an alarm that was rung in. The fire was extinguished very quickly, but a large crowd of students collected at once and surrounded the engines. The horses drawing the chemical engine started forward suddenly and dashed through the crowd. Bigelow, who was directly in front of the engine, was knocked down by the horses and was crushed by one of the wheels.

Medical Examiner Swan, into whose charge the affair was put, said last night that the wheels of the engine crushed the lower part of his chest, causing internal injuries that produced almost instant death. He said further, that it was impossible as yet to state on whom the blame rests.

There is conflicting testimony as to whether the horses started suddenly from fright and the driver lost control of them, or whether he started them intentionally. Witnesses of the accident support both explanations. An inquest will be held today. President Eliot wishes all members of the University who saw the accident to call on him at University 5 this morning.

Hamilton Storrs Bigelow of the Freshman class prepared for College at Phillips Exeter, where he was Class Poet. Since coming to College, he had been a contributor to the Lampoon. He also wrote the song for the Freshman class dinner. His parents are both dead. He lived in Buffalo, N. Y., with his aunt and grandmother.
