The current number of the Lampoon must not be taken too seriously. There is already a drowsiness about the more pretentious contributions which the shorter bits, though brighter, do not dispel. The leading editorial, though the point is well concealed, gives the impression of an attempt to treat a question of real interest in light vein, and is in this way a commendable departure from the conventional rambling vehicle for chance flashes of wit. But the treatment is unfortunately inconclusive, and the writer, apparently aware of this, follows the good old Lampoon fashion and introduces an allusion to recent hour exams, instead of pointing his intended moral.
Among the illustrations, the Prehistoric Yachting Party is an exceptionally clever piece of work in an odd style. One or two of the outline drawings are also good. The other illustrations are not conspicuously well done. The verses include another restaurant lyric--to the divinities of the Oak Grove, this time,--and four stanzas to a Poster Girl, which deserve favorable mention.
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