
Second Nine vs. U. of V.

The Second Nine will play a return game with the University of Vermont at Burlington tomorrow afternoon. Last Thursday the Second Nine defeated Vermont on Soldiers Field by the score of 9 to 6. The team will leave for Burlington this morning at 10.30.

The batting orders: Harvard Second.  U. of V. Lancy, 3b.  s.s., Robinson. Pieper, Leonard, r.f.  c., Wasson. Nye, 1b.  c.f, O'Halloran. Black, l.f.  1b., Orton. Stewart, c.f.  r.f., Wills. Gilles, s.s.  3b., Reed. Manning, c.  l.f., Kinlock. Daly, 2b.  1b., Hutchinson. Winsor, p.  p., Fogg.
