

Exercises at 12 O'Clock in Sanders Theatre in Honor of Harvard Soldiers.

The annual Memorial Day exercises to commemorate the Harvard men who died in the Civil War, and also the virtues shown by Harvard men at all times of public stress since the College was established, will be held in Sanders Theatre at 12 o'clock tomorrow.

According to the plan announced in the CRIMSON of May 22, the students will assemble by classes in front of University Hall at 11.30, all Seniors to wear caps and gowns. From University Hall the students will march to Sanders Theatre, led by the following marshals: J. Lawrence, '01, H. B. Clark '01, E. Lewis '02, C. S. Sargent '02, R. Derby '03, J. D. Clark '03, J. A. Burgess '04, R. Sanger '04.

Malcolm Donald 2L. will be the presiding officer. The Rev. George Hodges D. D., of the Cambridge Theological School, will open the service with a prayer, after which the Glee Club will sing "Fair Harvard." The address will be given by Raynal Cawthorne Bolling 2L. After the address the Glee Club will sing "America," the exercises closing with a benediction by Rev. Mr. Hodges.

Admission will be free, but seats will be reserved for members of the University and of the G. A. R. posts until 11.50.
