PHILADELPHIA, PA., May 17, 1901.-- The batting orders of the Harvard and Pennsylvania teams tomorrow will be as follows: Records of the Teams. The scores of all the games played by Harvard and Pennsylvania this season are given below. Harvard has won eight out of nine games played, and Pennsylvania has also lost one game, out of twelve played. Harvard, 8; University of Virginia, 5. Harvard, 12; Trinity, 0. Harvard, 4; Dartmouth, 2. Harvard, 11; Dar mouth, 2. Harvard, 4; Williams, 5. Harvard, 13; Amherst, 2. Harvard, 10; Colby, 0. Harvard, 14; Bowdoin, 0. Harvard, 7; Lafeyette, 0. U. of P., 5; Wash. and Lee, 4. U. of P., 11; Va. Military Institute, 6. U. of P., 8; Richmond, 0. Read more in News
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