
Freshman Concert Tonight.

The second concert of the Freshman Musical Clubs will be given tonight at 8.30 in Brattle Hall. The proceeds will be used for the benefit of the Freshman crew. Tickets may be obtained at Amee's Thurston's and anborn's or at the door.

The programme of the concert will be as follows: PART I. 1.  Glee Club.   a. "Johnny Harvard."   b. "Pickaninny Lullaby,"  Macy. 2.  Mandolin Club.   "Ghost's Patrol,"  Weaver. 3.  Banjo Club.   "Colored Tea Party,"  Eno. 4.  Glee Club.   a. "Frog Song,"  Steele.   b. "Bumble Bees,"  Truhn. 5.  Mandolin Club.   "Koonville Koonlets,"  Wadt.   PART II. 6.  Glee Club.   "Hannah,"  Osgood. 7.  Banjo Club.   "Darkies' Parade,"  Lansing. 8.  Mandolin Club.   "Miss Simplicity,"  Barnet-Allen. 9.  Glee club.   a. "Boreen,"  Atherton.   b. "The Pope." 10.  Banjo Club.   "On the Mill Dam,"  Babb. 11.  Mandolin Club.   "Pas des Echarpes,"  Chaminade. 12.  Glee Club.   "Fair Harvard."

The clubs are made up as follows:


President, G. Lawton; secretary, F. D. Roosevelt; leader, J. R. Howard, Jr. First tenors--G. Lawton, N. K. Wilcox, S. B. Parker, E. O. Hall, R. F. Barber, H. C. Ingram.


Second Tenors--P. Dana, A. Forbe., C. N. Holwill, F. R. Bauer, J. C. Henderson, W. P. Price.

First basses--A. Baird, F. D. Roosevlet, H. H. Ballard, Jr., H. Dillingham, I. G. Fry, C. W. Knox.

Second basses--R. R. Alexander, M. L. Shields, L. B. Hayes, R. Sanger, L. Brown.


President, C. Marshall; secretary, A. Wait; leader, P. H. Allen.

First mandolins--P. H. Allen, H. Bartlett, R. W. Varney, C. E. Pickhardt, C. B. Marshall, R. G. Whiting, J. W. Tuckerman, S. A. Berry.

Second Mandolins--M. Ivy, P. O'Brien, A. Hunt, M. A. Edwards, H. H. Berry.

Third mandolins--K. B. Lewis, A. G. Sumner.

Guitars--A. Wait, H. I. Cobb, Jr., W. M. Bertolet, C. N. Holwill, W. Titcomb.


President, L. Davis; secretary, H. I. Cobb; leader, A. B. Taylor.

First banjos--L. Davis, F. B. Ely, G. R. Taylor.

Second banjos--J. E. Gardner, D. W. Lincoln, F. E. Rich, E. N. Durfee.

Piccolo--A. B. Taylor.

Guitars--H. I. Cobb, Jr., C. N. Holwill, W. M. Bertolet, W. H. L. Bell.
