
Weld and Newell Crews.

The club graded eights have been rowing now for a week and have had some time to pull together. At present, from six to eight crews are rowing from each house. Of these, probably only the first four will enter the races on May 28. The Weld Senior crew is rowing fairly well at present. Evans and Blake started rowing again recently and have strengthened the boat considerably. The Newell Senior crew is also strong, having Foster and Smith, who were on the University squad. The Weld intermediate and junior crews seem at present to be rowing better than the Newell crew.

The orders of the crews at present is as follows:

Newell senior--Stroke, Boardman; 7, Merritt; 6, Foster; 5, Smith; 4, Champollion; 3, Swaim; 2, Stone; bow, Clark.

Weld senior--Stroke, Roberts; 7, Colby; 6, Switzer; 5, Grew; 4, Brooks; 3, Gray; 2, Evans; bow, Blake.

Newell intermediate--Stroke, Pier; 7, Atwater; 6, Fox; 5, Platt; 4, Percival; 3, Haycock; 2, Jackson; bow, Bell.


Weld intermediate--Stroke, Wolcott; 7, George; 6, Bent; 5, Maltby; 4, Far low; 3, Morse; 2, Richardson; bow, Lovejoy.

Newell junior--Stroke, Roosevelt; 7, Holwill; 6, Scott; 5, Rainsford; 4, Peck; 3, Bigelow; 2, Gray; bow, Storer.

Weld junior--Stroke, Taft; 7, Hawes; 6, Sanger; 5, Meier; 4, Bleakie; 3, May; 2, Ames; bow, Blaikie.

Newell second junior--Stroke, Whitridge; 7, Ledyard; 6, Clifford; 5, Dunbar; 4, Switser; 3, McGlensey; 2, Gardiner; bow, Wolcott.

Weld second junior--Stroke, Macomber; 7, P. Adams; 6, Krumbhaar; 5, K. Adams; 4, Thornton; 3, Smith; 2, Dyer; bow, Cobb.
