

Plans for the Building as Proposed.--Necessary Funds Not Yet Realized.

Preliminary plans for the proposed new Medical School have been drawn up. The front elevation of the building appears above.

The new grounds in Brookline, bounded by Huntington Avenue, Longwood Avenue and Francis Street and comprising about 26 acres, were purchased last summer.

It is proposed to erect buildings here for the Medical and Dental Schools with laboratories and a hospital. The main buildings will be situated on the half of the lot farthest from Huntington Avenue.

The Medical School buildings will cost approximately $2,000,000. Part of this sum can be realized by the sale of the present site, but as yet no other funds are forthcoming, and work cannot begin yet. By the plan as shown above the buildings will face three sides of an oblong court. On each side there will be a series of wings connected by corridors on the side facing the court. Each wing will be devoted to a separate department. Thus on the southeastern side, (the left side in the cut) the four wings are devoted respectively to Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Hygiene and Pharmacology. The wings on the northwestern side are devoted to Physiology, Physiological Chemistry, Surgery and Bacteriology and Pathology. The building at the rear of the court will be devoted exclusively to the administrative department of the Medical School.

The plans for the new Dental School have not been completed; the site will be to the northwest of the Medical School,
