The interclass tennis tournament will begin today on Jarvis Field. All matches must be played off as set down in the schedule, and the results posted each night on the bulletin at the CRIMSON office.
The first matches will be played in separate classes and in the semi-final the winners of the Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior matches will play to decide which classes will play in the finals. In the first rounds the matches will consist of the best two out of three sets.
The schedule is as follows:
Tuesday at 3.30--R. Bishop vs. T. M. Rotch; Laverack vs. Milne; Cole vs. Pope.
Tuesday at 2.00--Nourse vs. Ransohoff.
Wednesday at 3.30--C. M. Rotch vs. R. Stearns; Clerk vs. S. L. Beals.
Tuesday at 2.30--A. L. Snyder vs. W. Cook.
Tuesday at 3.00--R. J. Cram vs. A. T. Baker.
Tuesday at 3.30--P. E. Fitspatrick vs. J. Foster, Jr.
Tuesday at 4.00--R. K. Thorndike vs. L. P. Frothingham; D. Wight vs. W. Fischel; R. S. Rainsford vs. W. E.
Bowdoin; H. D. Stickney vs. H. P. Williams.
Tuesday at 11.00--C. S. Penhallow, Jr., vs. E. C. Fitz.
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