

On Soldiers Field This Afternoon at 2 O'Clock.

The lacrosse team will play its second championship game this afternoon with Columbia. The game will be played on Soldiers Field and will begin at 2 o'clock in order not to interfere with the baseball game. Last year Columbia defeated Harvard, 6 to 3. This year Columbia has played five games and won two. The only basis of comparison between the Harvard and Columbia teams is found in the games with Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania defeated Columbia on April 27, 4 to 3; Harvard defeated Pennsylvania on May 4, 6 to 1. Columbia has improved considerably, however, since the Pennsylvania game. Nine of Columbia's men and ten of Harvard's men played on the teams last year. H. A. A. tickets will admit to the game.

The line-up: Harvard.  Columbia. Goddard, i.h.  g., Lindsay. Mitchell, o.h.  p., O'Dwyer. Hardy, 1st a.  c.p., Couzens Alvord, 2nd a.  1st d., Schwerin. Penhallow, 3d a.  2nd d., Colwall. Hoguet, c.  3d d., Bigelow. Carter, 3d d.  c., Coggeshall. Stevenson, 2nd d.  3d a., Daignault. Sever, 1st d.  2nd a., Hoguet, Major. Wynne, c.p.  1st a., Bond. Fenwick, p.  o.h., Stewart. Guggenheimer, g.  i.h., DeWitt.
