
Speakers for the Boylston Prizes.

The preliminary trial of candidates for the Boylston prize speaking contest will be held in Sanders Theatre, at nine o'clock Saturday morning. The men retained by the committee will speak at the final trial, Friday, May 10. Professor G. P. Baker is chairman of the committee of judges.

Following is a list of the speakers--who will speak in alphabetical order--and the selections they will give:

A. G. Alley '01, "The Death of Garfield," J. G. Blaine.

W. E. Benscoter '02, "Retributive Justice," Corwin.

R. Bishop '01, "Speech at the Dinner of the Harvard Alumni," Booker T. Washington.


F. R. Boyd '02, "The Eastern Question," W. E. Gladstone, May 7, 1872.

C. H. Brewer '02, "Cr spian Speech from Henry V," Shakespeare.

W. D. Carleton '02, "Use and Abuse of Property," Theodore Roosevelt.

W. Catchings '01, "The Leadership of Educated Men," George William Curtis.

C. C. Colby '02, "American Courage," Sherman Hoar.

J. G. Cole '01, "Bandinello's Hercules and Cacus," Benvenuto Cellini.

C. Crocker '01, "The Retention of the Philippine Islands," Senator Lodge.

S. S. Drury '01, "Up at a Villa Down in the City," Browning.

P. H. Eley '01, "The Nomination of James G. Blaine," Robert Ingersoll, 1876.

A. E. Ells '02, "The Execution of Sydney Carton," Charles Dickens.

F. A. Eustis '01, "Ulysses S. Grant," Owen Wistar.

P. E. Fitzpatrick '02, "General Amnesty," Carl Schurz.

W. T. Foster '01, "Peroration of a Speech on Roger Wolcott," Senator Lodge, April 17, 1901.

A. Friedman '02 "Opening of Speech on the Philippines," G. F. Hoar, April 17, 1900.

W. A. Frost '01, "Letter to Lord Chesterfield," Dr. Johnson.

R. H. Goodell '02, from "Richard Carvel," Winston Churchill.

E. H. Greene '02, "Speech of Brutus from Julius Caesar," Shakespeare.

I. Grossman '02, "On the Irish Disturbance Bill," Daniel O'Connell.

M. A. Hawkins '01, "The Independence of the Philippines," S. W. McCall.

A. U. Hersey '01, "America a World Power," Archbishop John Ireland.

J. H. Holmes '02, "The Death of Lincoln," Phillips Brooks.

G. M. Hosmer '01, "The Force Bill," G. C. Calhoun.

J. F. Jennings '01, "The Jumping Frog," Mark Twain.

R. M. Kaufmann '02, "Public Opinion and the Sword," Macaulay.

C. P. Kendall '02, "The Ideal Judiciary," James A. Bayard, 1802.

V. J. Lamb '02, "The Crankiness of the Puritan," Chauncey M. Depew.

F. H. Lincoln '01, "Give me liberty or give me death," Patrick Henry.

C. P. McCarthy '02, "The Storm, David Copperfield," Charles Dickens.

A. E. Minard '01, "The Rescue of Lygia in the Arena," Sienkiewicz.

J. J. O'Donnell '01, "The Last Charge of Ney," P. T. Headley.

H. W. Palmer '01, "Boggs and the Colonel," Mark Twain.

T. H. Reed '01, "Address to the Harvard Alumni," Wm. E. Russell, 1891.

W. A. Sawyer '02, "The Highest Manhood," Thomas Hughes.

S. B. Serviss '02, "The Pilgrims," Wendell Phillips.

F. Shurtleff '01, "Affairs in Cuba," Senator Thurston.

R. S. Silver '01, "The Speech of Casius, Julius Caesar, Act I," Shakespeare.

E. E. Smith '02, "Speech of April 17, 1900," Senator Hoar.

P. J. Steinmetz '01, "My Last Duchess," Browning.

E. C. Stern '01, "Ideas, the Life of a People," George William Curtis.

P. W. Thomson '02, "The Benediction," F. Coppee.

Forbes Watson '02, "The Confession," Guy de Maupassant.

C. P. Woodbury, '01, "Speech in the National Convention, June 26, 1794," Robespierre.

C. W. Wright '01, "Memorial Day," John D. Long.
