
Fact and Rumor

All Freshman crews will be called back to row Thursday, April 18. The Freshmen will race shortly after vacation.

The golf team played its first match of the season on Saturday, defeating the team of the Wollaston Golf Club on the latter's links by a score of 10 to 8.

Professor Peabody will speak in the lecture room of the Boston Public Library tonight at eight o'clock on "Modern City Government under the German Plan." The lecture is the fifth in a series of eight lectures on municipal administration.

The following couples have qualified for the second round of the whist tournament: A. J. Halle, 3L. and A. C. England, 2M., L. Wertheimer '02 and M. Hyman 3L., H. Rawson '01 and B. F. Nourse '01, A. D. Wyman '01 and S. M. Whalen '01. Each of these couples will play with every other couple, and the two leading pairs will play in the final round. Two cups have been offered by the club as prizes for the winners.
