
An Amateur Rowing Association.

The following letter has been sent to the Weld and Newell boat clubs: BOSTON, APRIL 5, 1901.

"You are invited to send a representative to a meeting to be held at the house of the Boston Athletic Association, on Exeter St. Boston, on Saturday, April 13, at 3 p. m., for the purpose of organizing a new rowing association. The object of this association is to bring into competition crews and scullers from the leading college rowing clubs of the country and from such other rowing clubs as believe in maintaining at the highest standard the integrity of amateur rowing.

"It is believed that an association of this sort would materially help the cause of good, clean sport, and would attract many oarsmen and scullers who do not care to compete under present conditions.

"The scheme has been strongly endorsed by representatives of Yale, Harvard. Pennsylvania, Cornell and by other clubs and individuals who have the best interests of the sport at heart.

"A provisional constitution has been drawn up to serve as a basis for discussion, and it is earnestly hoped that you may see fit to send a delegate to the meeting.


"It has been thought advisable, in order to simplify the work of organization, to invite to this first meeting only representatives of the following clubs and committees, viz.:

The Rowing Committee, University of Pennsylvania; the Athletic Council, Cornell; the University Rowing Club, Columbia; the University Boat Club, Yale; the Dunham Boat Club, Yale; the Weld Boat Club, Harvard; the Newell Boat Club, Harvard; the Boston Athletic Association, Boston; the Union Boat Club, Boston.

"It is hoped that after organization, when the aim and scope of the new association are fully understood, it may attract the best of the other amateur clubs of the country."   (Signed),   E. C. STORROW,   H. P. WARDWELL,   W. P. HENDERSON, Union   Boat Club of Boston.
