
Final Hearing on the Dam.

The joint commission of the Massachusetts Legislature, made up of the Committee on Metropolitan Affairs, and the Committee on Harbors and Public Lands, gave a second and final hearing yesterday on the project of building a dam across the Charles River near Craigie Bridge. At the first hearing a week ago, no opposition was offered, but yesterday members of the Boston Chamber of Commerce and persons owning wharves on the river front objected to certain features of the bill. The principal speakers against the project were E. G. Prescott, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, J. F. Boyd of the Associated Board of Trade, J. F. Crocker and W. Pierce, members of the Chamber of Commerce, and C. White, of the Railroad Commission. Those who spoke in favor of the bill were J. J. Storrow '85 and N. Matthews, Jr., '75, ex-mayor of the city of Boston. It is expected that the commission will make a report on the project in about ten days.
