
The English Track Athletes.

In connection with the coming international games, it is interesting to note the best performances of the men who are most likely to represent the English universities.

In the 100 yards dash, A. E. Hind of Cambridge is by far the fastest man. At the meet between Cambridge and the London Athletic Club, he ran two heats in 9 4-5 seconds. T. Churchhill, also of Cambridge, runs within a yard of Hind.

In the quarter-mile, P. M. Shanks of Cambridge has a record of 50 2-5 seconds. L. J. Cornish of Oxford is a second slower.

In the half-mile, Cambridge has H. W. Workman, who won the three-mile race against Harvard and Yale in 1898. Workman's record for the year is 1 min., 57 4-5 sec. J. R. Cleave of Oxford is the next best man, with a record of 1 min., 59 2-5 sec.

Cambridge has three good men in the mile: F. G. Cockshott (4 min., 26 4-5 sec.), H. W. Gregson (4 min., 26 sec.), and H. A. Brown (4 min. 28 3-5 sec.)


In the two-mile, H. W. Workman of Cambridge has a record of 9 min., 53 3-5 sec. F. H. Jervis-Smith of Oxford is a close second.

Oxford is the strongest in the broad jump, with L. J. Cornish, who has made 22 ft. 5 in., and W. E. B. Henderson, whose record is 21 ft. 3 in.

In the high jump, G. H. Smith of Cambridge has made 5 ft. 10 3-4 in., and J. B. Bulkeley of Oxford has a record of 5 ft. 10 in.

In the hammer throw, the strongest men are E. E. B. May of Oxford with a record of 119 ft. 11 in., and B. C. Hartley of Cambridge, who has thrown 114 ft.

In the 120 yards hurdles, G. R. Garnier of Oxford holds the English record for the year, 17 sec. E. Allcock of Cambridge has run it in 16 4-5 sec., but Garnier defeated him in the Oxford-Cambridge games.

All the men mentioned above are eligible to compete in the international games.
