
Book by Dr. Botsford.

The Macmillan Company of New York, has recently published "A History of Rome for High Schools and Academies" by Dr. G. W. Botsford of the Department of History. In scope and method, the book is similar to the "History of Greece" by the same author. It aims to introduce the reader to the public life of the Romans, to illustrate their character, and to interpret their genius for organization. The arrangement and the connections of topics lay emphasis on the continuity of the subject so that the reader follows an uninterrupted line of thought from the beginning to the end. More than usual stress is placed upon the period of the emperors and the author, following the recommendations of the committee of seven, continues the narrative to Charlemagne, including an account of the growth and organization of the Christian Church, of the invasions and settlements of the barbarians, and the Germanic life and institutions under the influence of Rome. The book contains many illustrations of landscapes, art and customs, with plans and maps for the study of epochs as well as for general reference.
