The race between the four graded club crews, from which the University squad will be chosen, will be rowed downstream over the regular class crew course at half-past five this afternoon. In the drawings for position the second Newell secured the outside course, the first Weld first Newell and second Weld coming next in the order named.
Owing to short preparation, the crews are not rowing together as well as last year. This fault is most noticeable in; the Weld boats, as their orders were entirely changed on Tuesday. No change in the order of the Newell crews has been made since Saturday. They have consequently had the advantage of two days of work together, without the disturbance of new men in the boat.
After the race, the University squad of sixteen men will be selected at once and will probably begin work on Monday.
The officials for to-day's races will be: Referee, J. J. Storrow '85; starter G. S. Mumford '87; timers, E. C. Storrow '89 J. H. Smith '02, W. E. Ladd '02; judges at finish, W. B. Wheelwright '01, W. A. Frost '01, B. Covel '02.
The orders of the graded crews will be: First Weld--Stroke, Bancroft; 7, Loud; 6, Davis; 5, Emory; 4, Shuebruk; 3, Ivins; 2, James; bow, Blake; cox., Goodwin.
First Newell--Stroke, Bulland; 7, Lawrence; 6, McGrew;5, Ayer; 4, McConnell; 3, Henderson; 2, Foster; bow, Goodell; cox., Howe.
Second Weld--Stroke, Snite, 7, Switzer; 6, Burton; 5, Colby; 4, Derby; 3, Francis; 2, Evans; bow, Gray; cox., Boothby.
Second Newell--Stroke, Brownell; 7, Morris; 6, Gregg; 5, Swaim; 4, Smith; 3, Merritt; 2, Cunningham; bow, Hawkins; cox., Jackson.
The Freshman inter-club races will be rowed down-stream at five o'clock, before the graded crews race. In general, the Weld crews seem to be working together more smoothly than the Newell. The drawings for position have not yet been made.
The order of the six Freshman crews is: First Newell--Stroke, Phillips; 7, Rainsford; 6, Nickerson; 5, Peabody; 4, Welldon; 3, Dunbar; 2, Seabury; bow, Bell' cox., Ivy.
First Weld--Stroke, Minturn; 7, Parmelee; 6, Clapp; 5, Thanisch; 4, Lindsley; 3, Lloyd; 2, Hanford; bow, Chadwick; cox., Otis.
Second Newell--Stroke, Roosevelt; 7, Holwill; 6, Davie; 5, Cruger; 4, Second Weld--Stroke, Macomber; 7, Dillingham; 6, Sanger; 5, Bleakie; 4, Meier; 3, Adams; 2, E. S. Harrison; bow, Fairchild; cox., Miller. Third Newell--Stroke, Burr; 7, L. B. Harrison; 6, Teanoff; 5, Pierce; 4, Scott; 3, Crane; 2, Gardiner; bow, Hull; cox., Sedgwick. Third Weld--Stroke, Foster; 7, May; 6, Dyer; 5, Hawes; 4, Krumbhaar; 3, Greenough; 2, Taft; bow, Burgess; cox., Roughan.
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