
Intercollegiate Photographic Contest.

The fifty photographs to be sent to New York for the competition with Pennsylvania, have been selected by Miss Alice Austin and P. P. Sharples '95. First prize was awarded to H. H. Ruston 1G.; second prize to Julian Burroughs '01; honorable mention to H. W. Eliot '02.

Other photographs by the following men have been selected: M. Buckley 1L., F. Bonnet 2G., J. Burroughs '01, H. W. Eliot '02, H. H. Ruston 1G., H. S. Welsh '01, W. B. Swift '01, A. H. Shearer 2G., R. W. Shapleigh '02, W. A. Rorer 1B., and E. L. Getchell 2G.
