
The Freshman Baseball Squad.

From present indications, it looks as if the Freshman baseball team this year would be very evenly developed. Although there are no exceptionally brilliant players, all the men are doing fairly hard work, which, if continued, is bound to bring about good results. The success of the team will not depend on the ability of any individual players, but on good team work that can be attained only by hard practice.

Of the pitcher Alexander has shown the most improvement, having good control and speed. His batting is fair.

Next to Alexander, Purdy has shown the most improvement. He has excellent control and plenty of speed. In batting, however, he is not very strong.

During the past few weeks Hutchinson has not made very rapid progress. His control is poor, his speed only fair, and his batting weak.

Davenport has a lame finger and he has done but little work for some time. For this reason it is difficult to estimate his ability. His lame finger may account for his weak batting.


Of the catchers Parker seems to have the qualities of a good backstop. Although he throws more quickly than the other catchers, he lacks experience. He stands up very well at the bat.

McGirr also throws well, but he is rather short and lacking in alertness. In coaching the pitchers, he is better than Parker; but he does not show enough earnestness.

Hamlin is extremely conscientious and has been improving very rapidly. He is still slow in getting off his throw, but his batting is better than before vacation.

At first base Battelle fields his position better than Skilton, the other candidate for the position, and throws well but he does not coach the men enough. Both first basemen bat well. Skilton at first is inclined to take things too easily. He is also a candidate for second base, and at present seems the most promising candidate for the position.

Fischel, who is trying for second, has a very weak underhand throw. His fielding has improved, but his batting is still weak.

Hague is weak in fielding and batting, and especially in throwing. Since the team has stopped practicing in the cage, his work seems to have gone backward rather than otherwise.

Of the candidates for third base, Mackay is doing the best work at present. Although he throws well and has improved in his batting, he needs to do better work in his fielding. He has a very speedy and fairly accurate throw.

Sheldon fields his position well, but his batting is poor. He is also an outfielder, where he is handicapped by an inaccurate throw. As he was had some experience in the field, he will have a good chance for a position there.

Marshall, at short, fails to get his heels together for ground balls, and he is inclined to draw away from the plate in batting. Although he covers much ground, he needs to improve his underhand throw.

Bennett throws well, but he is still weak in his fielding and batting.

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