
Princeton Debating Team Chosen.

The final trial to choose a team to debate against Princeton was held last night and resulted in the selection of H. P. Chandler '01, J. D. Fackler 1L., and J. W. Scott 04. The coach will choose the alternate later from the second team, consisting of T. H. Reed '01, C. P. McCarthy '02 and I. Grossman '02. The Coolidge prize of one hundred dollars for the best individual work was awarded to H. P. Chandler '01. Harvard will support the negative of the question "Resolved, That Congress was justified in imposing the terms embodied in the Platt amendment to the army appropriation bill, as conditions precedent to leaving the government and control of Cuba to its people, the condition with regard to the title to the Isle of Pines being excepted."

A gift of one hundred dollars from R. C. Surbridge '89 to the prize fund of the University Debating Club was announced.
