Professor William Watson Goodwin announced yesterday his resignation from the Eliot Professorship of Greek Literature, which he has held since 1860. Professor Goodwin, who was made tutor in Greek in 1856, stands third on the Faculty in point of length of service. He graduated from Harvard in 1851. Two years later he went abroad to study at the Universities of Gottingen, Bonn and Berlin, and in 1855 received the degree of Ph.D. from the University of Gottingen. In 1856, after a year in Italy and Greece, he returned to Harvard.
Professor Goodwin was the first director of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, in 1882-83. From the King of Greece, he received the decoration of Knight of the Cross of the Saviour. He is now a member of many of the most learned societies of this country and Europe. The degree of LL. D., has been given him by Amherst, Cambridge, Columbia, Edinburgh, and Harvard, and that of Doctor of Civil Law by Oxford.
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