
News on the River.

The Weld Junior boat won the inter-club four-oar race yesterday afternoon. But three crews were entered, the 1902 and 1903 Weld and the 1903 Newell. The race was rowed at flood tide over the one mile course from the College Farms bridge to Harvard bridge. The Newell 1903 and the Weld 1902 crews got an even start and had a close race all the way down the course, the Juniors finishing about two feet ahead. The Weld 1903 was two lengths behind. The order of the crews was as follows:

Weld 1902--Stroke, Richardson; 31 More; 2, Farlow; bow, Ells.

Newell 1903--Stroke, Pier; 3, Atwater; 2, Fox; bow, Whitridge.

Weld 1903--Stroke, Macdonald; 3, E. F. Dubois; 2, A. Ames; bow, Maltby.

The Weld second Law School crew defeated the Newell yesterday, by a half a length, over the same course. The crews rowed in eight-oared barges. The order of the winning Weld crew was: Stroke, Shepard; 7, Sherburne; 6, White; 5, Chadbourne; 4, Mead; 3, Taylor; 2, Norris; bow, Scranton.


Shepard has been put in at 4 in the first Weld Law School boat to replace Chase, who has been taken sick.

Yesterday the Weld crews were temporarily graded as follows:

First crew -- Stroke, G. Bancroft; 7, Evans; 6, Shuebruk; 5, Emory; 4, Switzer; 3, Loud; 2, James; bow, Colby.

Second crew -- Stroke, Blake; 7, Francis; 6, Derby; 5, Bent; 4, Grew; 3, Ivins; 2, Brooks; bow, Covel.

The University crew management has arranged for a tug to be at Harvard Bridge tomorrow afternoon at four o'clock, for the class races. The price of tickets will be one dollar.
