The Freshman baseball squad has been reduced to twenty candidates including those trying for battery positions. There are no exceptionally brilliant players, as there were last year, but it is probable that the team will be much more evenly developed. As the players show very good spirit and work hard their playing improves steadily.
Of the pitchers, Moseley has a sore arm so he has done but little work and no curving. As he has not been able to let himself out, it is difficult to tell what he can do. His poor control is probably due to the condition of his arm.
Purdy seems to be very promising and has fair speed. He has been working on form and swing and has made much progress. His control is fair.
Alexander is extremely conscientious, and has been improving rapidly in form. One quality which counts very much in his favor is his willingness to work.
Hutchinson has not a good delivery, but he is working hard and by the end of the season should be a good pitcher. At present he lacks control.
Davenport is inexperienced, but very earnest, and he shows good spirit. His speed, form, and curves are all improving, and he ought to be much more reliable by the time of the important games.
Of the catchers, McGirr throws very well, but he is rather too short, and lacks life. One of his best points is his good work in coaching the pitchers. He does not take enough interest in his own work and bats only fairly well.
Hamlin lacks experience and is slow in getting his throw off, but he has the advantage of being tall, and ought to improve if he continues to show determination. His batting is weak.
Parker not only lacks life, but he fails to show improvement. Although he throws fairly well, he is not quick enough in getting the ball under way. He does not coach the pitchers enough and must show greater activity.
Battelle, at first base, coaches the men well and learns rapidly, but does not step out enough on throws and is weak on low balls.
Skilton steps out well, but he is slow and his coaching is poor. His batting is very fair, but he does not work hard enough, and has a tendency toward fancy playing.
Of the candidates for the other infield positions, Marshall covers the most ground. He is inaccurate in his throwing, especially in the underhand throw, and he fails to keep his heels together when handling ground balls. He should take more pains with his work. His batting is not very good.
Hague fields well and is improving on double play work, but he is not quick enough. He does not show much progress in his batting.
Sheldon shows improvement in his batting but does not field well. His throwing is inaccurate.
Mackay is improving steadily in batting and fielding, and is the most accurate thrower on the squad.
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