
Summer School of Theology.

The Harvard Summer School of Theology for 1901 will open on July 2 and last until July 19. The general aim of the school this year, as in its past sessions, will be to furnish for clergymen and divinity students opportunities "for the study of subjects of intrinsic and current theological interest," and to give them the inspiration which comes from contact with the best results of modern scholarship.

For this year, to quote from the Summer School pamphlet, "the session is to be devoted to the single subject of the Christian Minister's Relations to Social Questions. The lectures of the first hour each day will for the most part deal with economic questions related to the subject; those of the second hour with ethical and theological topics; while the lectures of the third hour will treat mainly of practical suggestions for social amelioration and reform." Excursions will be conducted during the session to the municipal and voluntary charitable institutions of Boston and to the Reformatory Prison at Concord.

The lecturers from Harvard University for the coming session will be President Eliot, Professor Shaler, ProfessorPalmer, Professor Peabody, Professor Emerton, Professor Taussig, Professor Munsterberg, Professor Fenn and Professor Carver. Besides these lecturers from Harvard, there will be the following: Professor B. P. Bowne of Boston University, Rev. A. H. Bradford of Montclair, N. J., Mr. John Graham Brooks of Cambridge, Professor J. B. Clark of Columbia, Professor N. P. Gilman of the Meadville Theological School, Dean Hodges of the Cambridge Episcopal Theological School, President Hyde of Bowdoin, Professor W. J. Kerby of the Catholic University of America, Professor H. C. King of Oberlin, Professor Shailer Mathews of the University of Chicago, Mr. R. T. Paine of Boston, Mr. Booker T. Washington of Tuskegee, Ala., Mr. Robert A. Woods of Boston and Hon. Carroll D. Wright, United States Commissioner of Labor.
