
Junior Class Dinner.

The Junior Class Dinner will be held at the American House, Boston, on Friday, March 15, at 7. p. m. C. Platt, 3d will be toastmaster, and A. Hollings-worth will read the class poem. The following toasts will be responded to: "Football," D.C. Campbell: "The Crew" H. Bullard, "The Class," E. Lewis; "The Track," J. H. Willis; "The Press," P. W. Thomson; "Debating," R. C. Bruce; "Baseball," E. H. Kendall. The design for the menu was furnished by E. B. Ahlborn.

Tickets for the dinner at $1.50 apiece will be on sale on Friday morning at Leavitt & Peirce's. Men are urged to buy their tickets as soon as possible No dress suits will be worn.
