The Junior Class Dinner will be held at the American House, Boston, on Friday, March 15, at 7. p. m. C. Platt, 3d will be toastmaster, and A. Hollings-worth will read the class poem. The following toasts will be responded to: "Football," D.C. Campbell: "The Crew" H. Bullard, "The Class," E. Lewis; "The Track," J. H. Willis; "The Press," P. W. Thomson; "Debating," R. C. Bruce; "Baseball," E. H. Kendall. The design for the menu was furnished by E. B. Ahlborn.
Tickets for the dinner at $1.50 apiece will be on sale on Friday morning at Leavitt & Peirce's. Men are urged to buy their tickets as soon as possible No dress suits will be worn.
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