Fire broke out last night in Trinity Hall at a quarter past ten. The fire was confined at first to the partitions and floorings, which made it very difficult to extinguish. The blaze started in room 10, occupied by D. C. Barnes '02 and H. B. Stevens '03, both of whom were away at the time. The probable cause was the short circuiting of an electric light wire. The whole interior of the two upper floors was burned out and much of the contents of the rooms destroyed. In the lower rooms the little property which was removed was injured by water and careless handling.
Although the fire department arrived when the fire was still confined to a small part of the house they were unable to locate the seat of the blaze in the partitions. Before the fire was under control, at about half past twelve, it had eaten through the outside walls and completely gutted the upper part of the building.
The building is owned by Alfred Hemenway of Boston. The loss to the building, including the loss of rent for the rest of the year, will be about $10,000. The occupants' losses will amount to about $5,000.
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