
Addition to the Law School

A provisional set of plans for the new addition to the Law School has been drawn up and posted in Austin Hall for suggestions from the students. The addition as proposed is to be built on the north end of the present building and is of the same general form and very nearly equal in size.

On the first floor of the addition there will be two large lecture rooms and stack room. The second floor is to contain a reading room with thirty-seven reading desks, more stack room and a reference and cataloguing room. In an intermediate space between the first and second floors will be rooms for the professors. The new reading room will be connected with the present one by a passage through the stack. First floor connection with the new part is to be made by a covered passage outside of the basement and on the west side of the present building. The new stack is to contain over 300,000 volumes. The plans have been drawn by She play, Ruban and Coolidge, successors to H.H. Richardson, the architect of the present building and of Sever Hall.
