
Class Crew Training Tables

The following men have been taken to the training tables of the upper class crews at Young's.

Blake, Evans, Burton, Ivins, Wheelwright, Gray, Locke, Lovejoy, Gerrish, J. Lawrence, McConnell, Henderson, Brigham, Swaim, Cunningham, Hawkins, Bancroft, Emory, Shuebruk, Grew, Colby, Francis, Brooks, Covel, Boothby, Bullard, Goodell, Morris, Merritt, R. Lawrence, Gregg, Brownell, Champollion, Roberts, Switear, Wolcott, Pitkin, Derby, Bent, James, George, Boardman, Ayer, McGrew, Bowditch, Bigelow, Haycock, Stone, Shattuck, Ernst, Wadsworth.
