

Coaches Discuss Individual Responsibility of Candidates for the Eleven.

The meeting of men interested in football last night was attended by about lone hundred and fifty undergraduates and was taken as an opportunity to arouse enthusiasm for the success of the eleven next fall. The speeches made by W. T. Reid '01, W. C. Forbes '92, B. G. Waters '94, and W. H. Lewis L. S. '95, were not intended to give specific ideas as to the methods of the coaching next season. Reid, however, denied the rumors of a revolution of the system, and said that the only change in the work would be an increase in the attention paid to individual faults. The general trend of the speeches was toward the individual responsibility there must be harmony, subordination of self, and a constant effort to do something to help the team. The men were urged to take advantage of the time from now until next fall in fitting themselves for some position and in keeping in good physical condition. Every player is expected to do everything be can think of to help the team to be at its best for the Yale game, the test of the success or failure of the season.

After the speeches Captain Campbell said that the spring practice will begin as soon as the field is fit for playing. He also announced a kicking contest, the plans for which will be published in a few days.
