The Sophomore dinner will be held at the American House at seven o'clock tonight. The hotel can be reached by taking a Subway or East Cambridge car to Scollay Square. The hotel is a short distance from Scollay Square on Hanover Street.
Since not all the men who signed for the dinner have as yet bought tickets the time for purchasing them has been extended to twelve o'clock today.
The following men, composing the reception committee, are asked to be at the hotel at quarter of seven sharp: South, Hinckley, Abercrombie, Downes, Graydon, Kernan, Stillman, J. B. Ayer, Jr., W. James, Bartlett, H. Z. Gray, E. B. Roberts, Warner, Krumbhaar, Whitwell, E. Switzer, Bent, Clarkson, Inglis, F. W. C. Foster, L. Brown, Boardman, J. D. Clark, Dowse, Baldwin.
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