
Lacrosse Practice.

The candidates for the lacrosse team had their first practice on Friday, on the handball courts back of the Gymnasium As no announcement of Saturday practice was made, not all of the men reported; for those who did report, practice was held on Holmes Field.

Yesterday, practice was again held on Holmes Field. The time was spent largely in stick work and in coaching the many new men. As the ground was wet and soft the players had great difficulty in getting about. The squad expects to practice on Soldiers Field sometime next week.

There will be no University team chosen until after the class games, which will be played the week of April 8. The following men have been appointed captains of the three upper class team: 1901, P. E. Coyle; 1902, E. B. Alvord; 1903, D. P. Penha low. The captain of the 1904 team has not yet been appointed.

The prospects for a good University team are good as only three of last year's team have left College, and several players of known ability are eligible in accordance with the one year residence rule. Some excellent new material was also brought out in the practice last fall.
