
Fact and Rumor.

Batting practice for the University baseball squad will begin on Monday.

The launch "John Harvard" was put into the water last night at flood tide. Her engines will be put in order at once and she will be ready for use early next week.

"Ezra Caine," a book by Joseph W. Sharts '97, will be published this month by Herbert S. Stone and Co., of Chicago. The story was first conceived, and in part written, while the author was a member of English 22. The morbid condition of mind of a man depressed by consciousness of a past crime was the theme of this original draft, and the analysis was remarkable, for undergraduate work, although limited in extent to a few chapters.

Work in repairing the upper portion of Trinity Hall, which was recently damaged by fire, will be commenced at once, and most of the rooms will be ready for occupancy on or before April 15. Some of the suites, in which the damage was only by water and of slight extent, will even be ready for their tenants by the first of next month. The building will be wired for electric lights, and for an electric call system connecting each suite with the janitor's quarters. Five stops will be placed between the floors to prevent a repetition of last week's fire.
