
B. A. A. Interscholastic Games.

The twelfth annual Interscholastic Indoor athletic meet will be held in Mechanics Hall at two o'clock this afternoon, under the auspices of the Boston Athletic Association, as in former years. The following schools will be represented: Boston English High School, Brockton H. S., Brookline H. S., Boston Latin School, Brighton H. S., Cambridge Manual Training School, Cambridge High and Latin, Chelsea H. S., Concord (Mass.) H. S., Concord, (N. H.,) H. S., Dedham H. S., the Friends' School of Providence, Fryes School, Hopkinson School, Lynn H. S., Melrose H. S., Noble and Greenough's, Newton H. S., Newburyport H. S., Phillips Andover, Phillips Exeter, Quincy H. S., Roxbury H. S., Roxbury Latin School, Somerville H. S., Wellesley H. S., Worcester Academy, Worcester H. S., Lynn Business School, Providence Classical H. S., Providence Manual Training School, Dummer Academy, Boston College Preparatory School, West Roxbury H. S., Mechanic Arts High School, Watertown H. S.
