
Lacrosse Squad Meeting.

Last night the candidates for the lacrosse team met in Lower Massachusetts, and plans for the coming season were outlined by Captain Sever. This year a series of class games will be played before the April recess, and for the winning team in this series the Harvard Lacrosse Club of New York has offered fifty dollars for the purchase of cups. Two trips will be made this year, one to Ithaca for a game with Cornell, and the other to the South. On the latter trip, Harvard will probably play Johns Hopkins, Lehigh, and the University of Pennsylvania. In Cambridge the team will play Columbia and the Cresent Athletic Club of New York.

Practice will begin today in the Gymnasium and will be kept up there until the ground on Soldiers Field is dry enough for outdoor work.

The sixty-one candidates have been divided into two squads to practice in the Gymnasium, the first at 3.30 and the second at 4.30. The divisions of the squad for practice today are posted in window of the CRIMSON Office.
