
Fact and Rumor.

The Medford Whist Club won the match with the Harvard Club in Boston last night, by a margin of two tricks.

Mr. B. S. Hurlbut spoke at the annual dinner of the Connecticut Valley Harvard Club in Springfield on Wednesday.

Four of the old buildings on the Yale campus will be torn down during the coming summer, -- Lyceum, North College, the Treasury Building, and the old brick structure on Elm street, opposite Durfee Hall. South Middle is the only old building to remain.

T. M. Robertson, captain of the Yale golf team, has called out the candidates for the team this spring, and has laid out a systematic plan of training. Nearly all of last year's team are still in college and the following men will be eligible: T. M. Robertson '02, A. T. Dwight '01, T. L. Cheney '02, E. McB. Byers '02, L. P. Myers '02 and C. Hitchcock, Jr., '04.
