Tickets for the Pierian concert next Tuesday are now on sale at Sever's.
Three special races for distance runners will shortly be held at Yale. The spring track games come on April 20.
The intercollegiate gymnastic contest will be held in New York at the Academy of Music on March 23. Harvard will not be represented.
Annapolis and West Point will play the first baseball game ever held between the two institutions some time in May. The exact date has not been decided on.
The Harvard Interscholastic Tennis Tournament for the championship in singles will be held at Jarvis Field on Saturday, April 27, and Monday, April 29.
The Whist Club will play a match with the Medford Whist Club this evening in the rooms of the Boston Duplicate Whist Club. In a former match Harvard won by three tricks.
The rumor that pitcher Nichols of the Boston league team is to help in coaching the baseball team for the next few weeks is not true. Nichols has merely been invited to use the cage to get in condition for the league games.
A committee consisting of G. C. Clark '01 and Chester Griswold, Princeton '01, has been chosen to select a course for the fourth annual intercollegiate golf tournament to be held from May 7 to 11, inclusive. It is expected that Pennsylvania will enter a team this year.
Work will begun this week on Bertram Hall, the new dormitory given to Radcliffe by Mrs. D. P. Kimball., It will be a three story brick building, accommodating twenty five students, and will be ready for use next September. The site is on Shepard Street, near Walker.
The launch "John Harvard: will be put into commission as soon as the floats are in position at the University boat house, which will probably be on Friday or Saturday. All the coaching will be done from this launch until later in the season when the "Veritas" will also be put in commission.
Professor Agassiz is now abroad visiting his scientific friends and examining the museums of the different universities. He has been to Munich, Leipsic, Vienna, Prague and Berlin and before returning in April he will visit the Mediterranean coast, and will spend some time in England and Scotland.
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General Registration After the April Recess.