
Address by Dr. McKenzie.

Rev. Alexander McKenzie '59 addressed the Harvard Christian Association in Brooks House last night on "The Beginning of the Christian Life." He said in part:

A Christian is not necessarily a man who belongs to a church. A man is a Christian only when he devotes himself to Christ. It is not the Unitarian of the Trinitarian who is the true Christian but the real follower of Christ no matter what his denomination.

Years ago there was a great deal of controversy over the question as to what denomination was the exponent of the true Christian religion, and many books were written on the subject. But the day of great controversy in matters of religion is gone and people have now come to believe that the true Christian is one who gives himself up to Christ's teachings, not because he thinks they are right, but because Christ says they are right. A man becomes a Christian as soon as he does a thing for Christ that he might not otherwise have done for himself.
