Mr. Frederick Harrison of London will speak in Sanders Theatre this evening at 8 o'clock on "The Writings of King Alfred."
The late Queen, Ambassador Choate and Mr. Harrison were members of a committee to erect a memorial to King Alfred on the occasion of his millenary anniversary this year. The memorial took the form of a statue which is now ready to be unveiled, but the ceremony has been deferred on account of Queen Victoria's death Mr. Harrison will show pictures of the statue in the lecture. In Chicago, Mr. Harrison spoke at the Auditorium and at the University of Chicago. President Eliot invited him to speak at Harvard and he expects to speak on King Alfred later at Yale, Johns Hopkins, and Columbia. The lecture Mr. Harrison delivers tonight will be published by Macmillan.
Mr. Harrison is an eminent English man-of-letters, a friend of John Morley. He has written a Life of Cromwell and numerous essays. He is a follower of Kant's philosophy, a positivist, and a liberalist.
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